ISO 9001:2008
NORD has implemented the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system which has been approved by IQNet for the development, manufacturing, repair and sale of agricultural and industrial equipment, spare parts and castings.
IQNet 9001:2008
IQ Net is an international certifying organization established in 1990 in Bern, Switzerland. It has more than 40 certification partners and more than 200 subsidiary companies world-wide.
ISO 14001:2004
The company successfully implement, maintain and strive to improve the system for environmental management, in accordane with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004
IQNet 14001:2004
IQ Net is an international certifying organization established in 1990 in Bern, Switzerland. It has more than 40 certification partners and more than 200 subsidiary companies world-wide.
BS OHSAS 18001:2007
NORD AD presents its current and potential customers the new system for managing health and safety at work, in accordance with the standard BS OHSAS 18001: 2007
IQNet BS OHSAS 18001:2007
IQ Net is an international certifying organization established in 1990 in Bern, Switzerland. It has more than 40 certification partners and more than 200 subsidiary companies world-wide.
Bulgarian Register of Shipping
The company has been certified by the Bulgarian Register of Shipping to manufacture and repair hull constructions and castings; to process mechanically workpieces, elements and substructures of ship machinery and mechanisms.
State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance
NORD has a certificate from the State Agency of Metrological and Technical Surveillance to carry out maintenance, major repairs and reconstruction of containers under pressure, piping for steam and hot water, hoisting equipment, freight cabeways, elements and substructures of industrial gas equipment etc.
Welding certificate
Certificate of all technological processes available for the implementation and control of welding activities.
Certificate of conformity of the factory production control
This certificate certifies that all requirements regarding the assessment and verification of constancy of performance as described in Annex ZA of system 2+ EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 have been applied and that production control in the establishment has been evaluated in compliance with applicable requirements.